The Deadly Change Comet

Yesterday I talked about the changes that I am experiencing, and in the eve, I was trying to make a friend try to understand and accept the biggest fact of Life - Death.

Today morning, I got a message informing me of my Nana ji's (mother's father) demise at 8:15 AM due to a cardiac arrest. It wasn't untimely, and he had lived a decent long enough life, and a big chunk of my childhood was spent with him.

You will be missed, Nana. As you used to say and bless, "Durga Durga, Kaali Kaali." May your soul rest in peace.

@. in memories.

Comet Change cometh...

Life has been going a bit smooth for a while - but with Jupiter's transit, it has started a huge roller-coaster ride.

A new life is about to brighten mine in a month n a half, and here I am looking for greener pastures wearing a green t-shirt, with a green field on my desktop.

Let's see what good this change brings.

@mit. toinged.


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Made another blog for technical stuff..

Earlier I had thought to put all my few thoughts here - but guess technology n philosophy need a divide to flourish.
For my technical articles/thoughts/ideas etc, visit
Just started..